Monday, December 12, 2016

Enforce Laws to Protect Biological Parent Rights

How many of you would like to see a law that upholds every biological parent the rights to determine what is in the best interests of their children?

It takes two people to create a child, it should take two people to raise it. When did it become everybody else's right to instigate what is best for YOUR children?OK, needless to say I know there are children out there that are being abused, neglected, and some parents who are not cut out to be parent's. Who are you to judge and who gives people the right to do so?

The Judges obviously, and nobody should be telling them what to do, or overturning their ruling. Then why is the Department of Children and Families doing just that and getting away with it? This is an abomination!

There should be laws safegaurding the rights of parents and their children. We as the people should not be accepting of the process of injustices that are seperating us from our loving children during these critical times.

I would like to tell you all a true story that has occurred in my life over the past week, right before Christmas of 2016. I just found out that my eleven year old son had just undergone brain surgery a couple weeks ago. Mind you, my husband who currently has temporary custody did not inform me until after the fact or consult with me before this procedure was even performed.

The judge had ordered that I be informed of any medical treatment or educational decisions on my children's behalf. That I should be consulted. Obviously, my parental rights have been violated.

You ask me why I haven't done anything about it? I am completely powerless. I cannot afford a attorney to defend me and my children in the State of Florida and they will not allow me to file any motions without an attorney. The Department of Children and Families have banned me from calling the Florida Abuse Hotline because they have accused me of making too many false reports, when in fact I have made every report in good faith to protect my children, and this presents negligence on the department for not investigating child abuse and neglect properly and covering it up. I have proof folks, that they have discriminated against me and my children as well and are still currently. I have filed several grievances with no resolution.

Granted, it was an emergency situation but I still should have been informed. I was not! My husband does not know my son's medical history and did not inform the doctors that my son is fatally allergic to globulin E, and that brain cancer runs in my family. What if my son died? Who would be held accountable? My husband for dismissing the better judgment of the court and alienating me from my children? The Department of Children and families for not properly investigating my allegations of neglect on behalf of my children? The judge that granted him temporary custody? Luckily, my precious little boy is still alive but it has been two years and I have barely seen him and he is mad and won't talk to me. Parental alienation is currently breaking our hearts and spirits of reunification entirely.

What I propose is that we enforce a law to override being present when our children are undergoing medical surgical procedures with law enforcement regardless of any judgement when our children are faced with life or death. Both parents should be able to consult with doctors about their childrens treatment in the event of a health care proxy which should only be determined by the biological parents.

My Parental Rights have NOT been terminated. This should be OUR Parental Civil Right! The rights to children should NEVER be taken away from a mother or father!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

REVOLUTION (Musical Theatre) Film /TV - Synopsis













This is in violation to our National Human Civil Rights. What we have here is a Revolutionary turning point in history that needs to occur. That is becoming dominate in our society. The big wig's have trampled enough and mamas and papa bears it is TIME to defend your cubs.

They have seperated our ancestors long enough to fill their pockets with their stupid little trinkets. I am part Cherokee Indian and half French Canadian and half mutt. Not like this is a personal vendetta or anything, but originally being a decent of Boston I am well aware of what my people had to overcome to establish themselves on this land. Nothing came easy. Our family was torn apart by the government in many of ways, but we always found a way back to one another. That rift in our relationships could never be replaced. It was as if a piece of ourselves was forever missing and that is exactly what takes place. Failure to thrive. We hold ourselves back from being whole when a person or an element in our lives is missing.

Why hinder and suffocate humans  future success for someone else's small insignificant personal gain. Do you not realize how many lives are being disrupted  and influxes to our future existence are going to be hindered by others being self absorbed?

It is true that money is the initial root to all evil and as superficial as it may seem can easily come into your life as it goes so it is intangible materialism in fact will most likely be the key to a self absorbed person's demise. All that trouble and carnage in your wake just to wind up suffocating yourself to death in the very thing that your after should serve one right. Still doesn't make me feel right about all those scared and deprived little children in the world looking for love and the loving parent's not able to have them. 

OMG! Human kind has become so cruel and truly should be identified as a poisonous species if it can't even muster the courage to defend it's poor, vulnerable, defenseless, and naive children.

How Mr. Trump are we going to fix this issue?

Monday, September 12, 2016

Parental Civil Rights Movement: Introduction to REVOLUTION

Parental Civil Rights Movement: Introduction to REVOLUTION: Dear fans both near and far, I am currently writing a novel about my story and I am offering you who want to read it get a sneak peak and colaborate with me in the comments and help me critique each chapter so I may edit it and make a final draft.

Also, on this blog I am working on a proposals to enforce new and already placed laws to protect children and their families from becoming victim's od this distorted civil law system. We should be protected by the law and able to get justice but at this time many of us are not. We have to implement more laws on reform, accountability, and safety net stipulations that are not currently in place or being considered.

It is time that we become activist's and take it to the next level so our voices get heard and laws start working FOR the people and not constantly against them. we should be encouraging reunification NOT separation. There has to be more protocols enforced before a child is seized from a family. What SHOULD be the guidelines on that? All these proposal should be written out in a way that address the issues we are currently facing with DCF, CPS, law enforcement, State Attorney's, FEDs, and judge's that barely know these kids and can't take the time to even review what most of these children are up against. So many people's civil rights are being violated and it is effecting the future generations to thrive and feel secure within their world. I believe children should have a right to speak for themselves. This should be recorded at their first encounter within the investigation and this should be accessibile in court with the caregiver or parents authorized permission. It would be beneficial to get a true statement from the child because young children don't know well enough to lie to law enforcement and if they do and can be proven in a court if law then I believe then it should be discredited ans ONLY then because everyone should be innocent until proven guilty not the other way around. People need to start getting booked with more solid evidence enough with all this heresay bullshit. Seriously! People are losing their kids at alarming rates due to false allegations, and true allegations are not properly being investigated and are gettung overlooked and brushed under the rug. What is wrong with the department and system is broken? Its avout time the people start standing up for themselves and do something to fix it or abolish certain organizations that are not doing their due diligence.

Introduction to REVOLUTION

Dear fans both near and far,

I am currently writing a novel about my story and I am offering you who want to read it get a sneak peak as to the abuse my family and I have endured.

Much violence, child abuse, neglect, and domestic violence. I have been trying to break this vicious cycle but the broken system put in place to protect us is currently failing us.

I have not seen my children in four months and have not gained any resolution to our nightmare.

I would like to see anyone and everyone to follow me to Capitol Hill to fight for the rights of our children.

 PLEASE. Like, follow, pass along, comment, and share my story.

You may view it on

I Look forward to all the evangelists and crusaders who have taken the first step in admitting there is something definitely wrong with our Civil Family Court System.

The next step is joining forces with all the parents that are being alienated or one day will face alienation from their children due to unsupportive people.
Innocent people getting no relief from the authorities by the system to protect the kids from being seperated from their parents that they have loved and cherished all their lives.

Email me at, call me (727)557-9921,
Facebook me at Bonnie Audette,
Check out Bonnie Audette on You tube, and listen to my music on Soundcloud (Bonnie Audette).

 We all need to stick and ban together to save our children whether you have them or not. Someday you may lose custody due to abuse lies and deceit. It's is not worth accepting. There is always a way, don't delay. I'm not. This is my mission everyday is about getting the truth out. Putting my children back in my loving arms.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Restrictions on valid Visas when custody battle is prevalent.

Get this,,,

I lost custody to my children and my abuser back on September 2015. Right before that happened I had purchased a visa with my own money so this man could take my two year old son to Nicaragua.

Do you know that man took all my money that we were saving to buy a house and my two year old came back disoriented, a fever of 103.0, bumping into walls, falling over his own two feet, hitting, and misbehaving worse than he ever did. My child was getting services through Early Steps, they did a review and they realized that he reverted back to the same behavior problems they had encountered before. This was all because he spent a whole month in another country with this man and his family without my protection.

I have been made aware of many incidents while he was in their care. That he was hit in the head. I looked up many of the symptoms children have after suffering a concussion and all of them were prevalent from the description I gave earlier to when he returned from that trip. He is still showing signs of developmental delay in his speach and is almost 4 yrs. old now and not potty trained.

My question is....when I addressed the issue about the passport to two judges why did they not revoke it or obtain it from this man who now has custody of my two children and housing in Nicaragua? The first Judge involved in determining if an injunction for protection was necessarily prudent to be put in place to protect my children and myself. I questioned this judge about the passport and the man said that he would forfeit the passport and he has not.

The judge did not grant protection for my kids or I, and the passport was never forfeited by this man, just proving his diregard to authority and what a liar he is. Of course no action was taken on him. So he got away with the passport. This happened on 9/3/15 and ever since then I have been a nervous wreck knowing that my children are being abused and neglected by this man, and he can leave the United States with my baby and I may NEVER see him again.

So I started making some phone calls and spoke to the U.S. Department of State. I was informed that because the children are not in my custody that there was nothing I could do about this valid passport, even though I am the child's mother and I purchased the passport I have no authority to report it stolen. To me this seemed inconceivable.

How can I prevent my child from being a flight risk and why does it seem as if I have no human rights to my children? ALL I am trying to do is protect them from this man who is not even a U.S. citizen and I am. For the first time in my life I felt ashamed to call myself an American.

I was involved in a Dependency case with the State of Florida and instead of investigating all the fabrications spewing from him and his entourage that painted me out to be this bad mom. It was obvious that I was being set up because I am the best mom in the world, just ask my kids who miss me dearly.

Needless to say the State of Florida took his side. Now if any of them actually did their investigative work they would have seen that history was starting to repeat itself, for this man did the same thing to his last baby mama as he did to us. Except his last baby mama was fortunate enough to get a judge that cared enough to get an injunction for protection to stick.

He has a restraining order for assault and battery and destruction of private property in the State of Mass. Except the State of Florida is allowing him to get away with what he does to us on a daily basis, which makes me want to get my kids and run to Mass.

He is known to be a habitual offender, DUI with the kids in the car, intimidation, assault and battery, and suspended license indefinitely. He doesn't respect no one, he is a danger to himself and others, he hits woman and children, and the State of Florida has put four minors in his custody.

Can you tell me what is wrong with this picture? Is the Department of Children and Families stupid or just cruel and don't give a damn? I'm really starting to wonder....

Now I am trapped in this dependency case, which has prevented me from divorcing him and getting any kind of support financially while I am disabled, homeless, and indigent. I am not a drug addict or criminal, or harmed any person my whole entire life. I'm being treated as if I am a criminal without any solid evidence proving I am guilty of any of the false allegations that were made towards me were all heresay.

I have had solid evidence in my person since day 1 exonerating me of these allegations and proving my children are being abused and neglected by this man and his entourage, but nobody will present it because I was assigned a bogus court appointed attorney that could care less.

The judge on this case refuses to have my attorney step down, or allow me to represent myself and this is in violation to my National Human Rights.

I brought the passport topic up before the dependency JUDGE, and this time the judge reprimanded and warned him not to leave the State. So once again there was no disciplinary action taken and he is still in possession of the visa and my children.

His word means nothing and you tell him not to do something he is just going to interpret that as a challenge. I know this man, I had been with him and his abusive family for 11 years. We are talking about wet backs. People who just come and go as they please, don't respect boundaries, and laugh in the face of authority figures and danger.

Now the law and powers that be are giving him free will over my children. This is a mortal sin. I can't sleep at night. I have been tossing and turning for ten months straight thinking I may never see my kid's again.

The Child Protective Services give us no due diligence, Department of Children and Families give me no relief in knowing if my children are alive and safe, the sixth Judicial Civil Court will not honour us any Justice when we have been crying for help for years, and the State Attorneys office has advised me to leave the State of Florida.

I'm about to let you all know something right now, I ain't going nowhere without my kid's. So if you want me gone you better give them back to me because I am not leaving them behind in Florida knowing that he is abusive towards them. I love them with all my heart, I have sacrificed my life for them more than once on many occasions, and I am not about to stop now, because that's what the best mom in the world does. Never gives up fighting for their childrens safety and well being.

Am I Right? Respond Amen if you think so.

This is my life in a nutshell!

This goes out to bogus Family Partnership's .

I am putting my phone number out there because I got absolutely nothing to hide and have no shame. I give respect to all people's who are struggling and willing to make an impact to this movement. I am always willing to listen and lend a helping hand.

Bonnie Audette to Family Partnerships:

I call your office and nobody calls me back. Please call me back @ 7275579921.

I have to leave the State of Florida to get my medical needs met because I am epileptic and can't fall off my med plan.This incident has not accomodated me with my disability at all and I have tried to plead this with the judge in court but I am not being fairly represented.

I've been trying to reach someone for weeks with no resolution from the courts or your organization.

Please I came all the way from MA to see my children. Cashed in all my son's bonds and now bankrupt and leaving Thursday.

I am going to make sure everyone around the world knows about the injustice that has been done to me and my family.

The custodial provider is not working. He is just sitting back collecting and neglecting the children's needs.

My mother and I have brand new clothes hanging in their closets waiting for their arrival.

I haven't seen my kids in four months. My mother hasn't seen them in 8 months. This has made us both ill and heartbroken beyond belief.

I thank you GOD that I am no longer displaced, homeless, jobless, penniless, and disabled for a whole year.

Since I moved back to my home in MA now I have a support system with friends, family, affordable healthcare, and resources that provide a remedy to my situation, whereas, if I stayed FL. I would be dead.

I regret bringing my child to FL. for I feel the State of Florida has kidnapped and are withholding my children from me for no reason.

Gregarious misconduct...what does that even mean? And how is a mother supposed react when her 2 year old has marks all over his face by a ex convicted felon who bit her husbands nose off? She goes for the face. She's a bully.

She attacked my baby and the CPI didn't believe me or do his due diligence. Now it has been a year and my children haven't been getting love by their mother.

Who cares???? Nobody...what is done is done. The department made a mistake and now my kids and I are paying for it all because my husband doesn't want to pay child support.

Even though he can work he has a serious drinking problem that prevents him from keeping a job. He also DUI with the kids in the car, has a restraining order from his other babies mama because he is a danger to others and is not allowed around that kid, he is an ex felon, imigrant in possession of my childs valid visa, and he is abusive financially, verbally, mentally, physical, and emotionally towards my kids and my children are developmentally disabled because of him.

I am now dealing with the repercussions from this abuse. My head hurts on a daily basis due to excessive blows to my head from the past 10 years. I can't hear out of my left ear or see clearly. I now have been experiencing Grand mal seizures and disbled due to too many traumactic Brain injuries yet the state of Florida won't deem me as disabled.

I just don't need history to continue to repeat itself with my children. I feel they deserve a better life. I know it may seem unorthodox of me to plaster this over the internet, but I pleaded to DCF before I even lost my children, I have pleaded to CPS already, and Sixth & Thirteenth judicial circuit court with no relief to my dilemma. I filled out all the paperwork and filed all the court appeals and complaints towards the court appointed attorney who failed to defend me for I am innocent. Every police report made was case solved non criminal. I never even was arrested my whole life. I've'done everything by the book with no relief.

I have a Bachelor's Degree in social science and Education and now I can't even teach kids because of how this has tarnished my good name and livelihood. This has ruined me and God forgive me please don't let this ruin my kids lives. They need their mother and I need them.

There has to be a pro bono lawyer out there who can help me fight this. I have searched high and low all over FL with no avail...there is always the issue of money.

I have been displaced, indigent, and homeless doing all the paperwork on my own and the judges took away my rights as a pro se litigant to provide the evidence or get protection. The State Attorney of FL gave me relocation money to leave the state but how can I do that without my children? Well I had no choice and we are still stuck in this vicious cycle. I am not going to relent until I have my babies back. It is not your right TO TAKE MY CHILDREN FROM THEIR MOTHER! Give them back please.

In this area of practice, Title IV-D has ushered in what I call “fictional justice.” It has turned these family tribunals, once labeled “kangaroo courts” by a Supreme Court Justice, into profit centers with an ever-diminishing concern for the true “best interests” of our children. Entire college funds have been drained by unscrupulous lawyers concocting needless issues for fee purposes.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Tiffany Trump Said It All......

On July 21, 2016 At the RNC Tiffany Trump couldn't have said it any better....

She gave a great speech the other night at the RNC to support her father. She had spoken eloquently during the RNC speech. She drew a strong cord with me once she said that mothers in America will be supported not shut out? This statement has given me and I am sure many others hope again for a brighter future.

Right now family law is all messed up. A high rate of mother's are being separated from their children in Florida.

Family Partnerships is a hoax....

These visitation centers are ugly and sterile environments.

People who are indigent and disabled should not be losing custody of their kids. This is DISCRIMINATION and is a violation of my national human rights.

My children and I have been neglected and abused by my husband and nobody will believe me now after 10 years. He has shut my 10 and 3 year old out of my life altogether and the department of children and families have assisted in him doing so.

I have never had a criminal background and he has. Where is the Justice in this?

It's been a year and I have no resolution. Will I ever have Justice?

I have a message to spread.
We are Victims of the system........ watch VICTIMS on You Tube. Bonnie Audette.

Will Trump help us?

Here is a prime example. I am trying to schedule a visit with my children and I can't get through to anyone. I am trying my hardest to see them but I have not been able to because my husband is very difficult and will not work with me and this family partnership doesn't either.

I miss my kids. I am afraid I may never see them again.

Finally, I get a response from Family Partnerships through Facebook, mind you I have already called their office and left three message. No one ever answer's or calls me back.

Family Partnerships:
Please call the office at 7274004796. The only thing we can do is reach out to the father. We cannot make him allow you a visit. Court would do that

Bonnie Audette:
There has been no resolve. This is injustice. I haven't seen my children in a year.

Family partnership:
It is inappropriate to do this over face book. Please work with the office staff at the number I gave you.

Bonnie Audette:
When is it appropriate? In court? No one listens to our person people don't seem to care that I never see my children. On the news?....would that be appropriate?
There's too many of us to fit into your perfect family pafanership.

There is no partnership HERE you make that abundantly clear..and my children and I suffer because your jurisdictions exists to destroy families, not bring them together.

People don't get to feel comfortable with their mother's and fathers. This helps our families exactly how?

I should have the liberty to watch my children grow, to teach them how to read, Do their laundry, tie their shoes. This is what I have been robbed of. I was an awesome!
I am an awesome mom. Some day...... I can't say when because that is still unclear, but I will be an awesome mom again.

I miss my babies.....
You have no idea how hard it is for me to live without them. Being disabled and feeling discriminated against, with no resolution by the State of Florida.

I want to care for my own children. This is a sin. Maternal deprivation!

Please... Tiffany... prove through me how powerful the LORD and Trump is.

Make this injustice dissapate.

I want to implement laws that will protect woman and their children. So what has happened to me NEVER happens to anyone else.

Help me do this by fighting beside us with the Parental Civil Rights Movement.

This is happening now!

We need our families together, united, solid, and strong.

Please don't make me become another tragic statistic.

Memento te esse mortalum.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Time 2 get our kids BACK!

This is for the kids.

I am going to pinch a First Class Action Civil Lawsuit. Sign petition below. Serious candidates only who believe in this cause and are willing to participate. Please leave your name and e-mail in the comments.

There needs 2 be an uprising. Parents need 2 raise awareness all around the globe.This is by far the most injustice act known to man and GOD is pissed that the children are the ones suffering.

No one's going to mess with my babies and get away with it. You shouldn't have to live your life in fear that your children are gonna be taken away. Scary world we live in.This is much bigger than just our little family.

This is going national. An 8 million dollar industry is about to be exploited. They are waiting for you to screw up so they can steal our kids and put them under the foster care system. OR if you lost custody.

Write me back if you feel your children are a victim of the system and want to get in on a class action lawsuit.

Comment with your email and I will add you to the petition :

1. Bonnie AUDETTE Solorzano
2. - Carolyn
5. - Sherry
5. - Cassie
6. - John
7. - Nicole
9. - Ellen
10. - Nicole
13. - Meagan
14. - Tracy 
15. Deanne Jordan- Helpful Heart
16. - Ms. Lewis
17. - Antwan
21. - Brooke
22. - Mel
23. - Ryan
24. - Jay
25. - Frank
26. - Shahid
27. - Crystal
28. - Anjana
29. - Jason
30. - Gary
31. - Sung Yun Lee
32. - Bill
33. - NU
34. - Amber
35. - Brenda
36. - Saint Michael
37. -Shay
38. -Andrea
39. - Amy
40. Gary
41. - Josie
42. - Dave Cook
43. - John Lescott
44. - Jodie
45. - Arthur
46. - David Vesper
47. - Julie Stocks
48. - Niki Laverty
49. - T. Saylor
50. - Jay
51. - Matty
52. - Felicia
53. - Savo
54. - Laurica
55. - Emil
56. - Jeff & Tabitha
57. - Milagro
58. - Damian
59. - Maria
60. Uncle Bobby- Robert Owen Harvey Jr.
61. - Sanjeev
62. - Susan
63. Sapp
64. - Roberto
65. - Shahid
66. - Oscar
67. - Bri
69. - Wilson
70. - Ron Whitman

Like, pass it on & comment with e-mail address to help this cause. Our children deserve a better life.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Feeling Overwhelmed....

Dear LORD?

How am I to ever get through this father GOD?

Answer me, O Lord, for your steadfast love is good; according to your abundant mercy, turn to me. Hide not your face from your servant; for I am in distress; make haste to answer me; ransom me because of my enemies!

Psalm 69: 16-18

Who else feels they have been thrown under the bus with your kid's due to greedy, self absorbed, despiteful people that could care less about you or your kid's, so they use your kid's to get to you? If this has happened to you comment back AMEN and make an oath to not tolerate it any longer!!.....

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Where is the Justice in this world?

Text message to custodial parent and our abuser.

I see how it is..One phone call every other week maybe..Sure who talks to their mothers? They don't need to talk to their mother on the holidays, or birthdays, and Christmas.

This is NOT necessary and UNACCEPTABLE.
So at this rate I see my kid's Once a month, if I am lucky that the social worker doesn't forbid it again.

Do you know in the National Human Rights handbook I have here it states that the United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened). Yeah, well that Right of mine is currently being violated.

I have been calling, confirming and showing up to the appointments ahead of time? And the kid's have not been there. 3 times...
5 times if you count their Dr. Visits this has happened. Then I have had to wait another 30 days and this is out of my control. You know I would NEVER let the kid's down on purpose.

I hate myself for them thinking I am failing them. I am NOT!... I have done everything in my power. The DCF is fucking with me and it is just cruel.

Using my babies as pawns in this vicious vendetta to break me and millions of other mother's that are losing custody at an alarming rate down.

You have really cut me out and my parental rights haven't been terminated, but it sure does seem that way.

None of the adjudication is being honored.

I can't motion a hearing because they won't let me defend myself.

They Thirteenth Judicial Circuit District Court won't even let me divorce your nasty ass. So I am stuck being married to you.

Thanks for hurting me in the worst way imaginable. My babies? Really?? Your great for giving this social worker and your paramour the liberty for deciding what is best for our children when you know full right well that my kid's are in the best care when they are with me. I have always been a great mom. This is so unfair, wrong, and parental alienation.

Zero Tolerance my ass DCF!

DCF HAS DiscriminatED by taking advantage of me due to my disability. This is negligence by the department and courts.

Inequality by getting funding through the fathers federal funding grant,a biased set up to keep their shelters, programs, and poor children deprived of love by one side of their family.

Violation on our National Human Rights which states in Article 16:

1. Men and woman of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.

2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intendinf spouses.

3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and the State.

Article 12

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his/her privacy, familt, hime, or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his or her honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to be the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 17

1.Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.

2.NO ONE shall be arbitrarily deprived of his/her property.

American Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson states,

"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government."

I think he was onto something and I think we can all agree that's why this declaration was patented and signed,
was implemented, and became know as law to protect the people from dishonor, violence, and demolition of the pursuit of all hahappiness

So why are these laws not being abided in the justice department? Why are they getting away with it? It is time WE as the PEOPLE do something about it!

Our Constitutional amendment Article 4
Section: 4 states;

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

We all should be treated as equals. The law is already written. Where are the judges who should be enforcing them?

What ever happened to justice and evidence that should be able to be presented by the defendant. I never got that...



Monday, May 9, 2016

Phone contact privileges during dependency cases.


I believe this is every parents worst nightmare, and this is what I have been facing for the past 10 months. I can't answer any of these questions myself... nor can anyone person from the department, the extended family, not even my children know what is happening here. Nor do I have the luxury of trying to explain to my children. They are only hearing one side of the story and so is the court. This is insane.

I can understand if I abused my kids, neglected them, OR did awful things to them,but I haven't!
All I did was worry about them,try to protect my kid's, and love my babies wholeheartedly.
I don't even know why they took my kid's from me???? That's how sad this is. It seems as if my children have been literally kidnapped because the system has done nothing to resolve our problems or given me any relief in having contact with my children.

What is happening is......... Parental alienation.
No resolution, or reunification apparent in my dependency case. I am so worried and a nervous wreck never relents.

Please understand..See when you have witnessed abuse for many years and finally want to tell someone....anyone.....what has happened in the past, present, and what you know will be your children's future if you don't do something quick...your reluctant, because you know people will only judge you and persecute you. Even a child who doesn't know enough to manipulate or lie is defenseless against people who judge and have authority, power, and control.

So where does that leave us vulnerable people who are battered and put down in a state of fear and confusion? Sorry to tell you this, but unfortunately in my experience, this outcome puts you at a disadvantage.

Who are they going to believe?
A child who can't speak...... A child who was not taken seriously before......... and A battered mother who is finally speaking up for herself... OR
A whole entourage of people with money and lies?

I guess it don't take a rocket scientist to answer this question.

My advice personally to any mother's or father's who are going through a separation or divorce. ALWAYS have an escape plan, and if you can prevent it at all never get the authorities or DCF, CPS, CPI involved. They don't care about you and your kid's as much as they should. They are the wolves and your the shepherd so do your best to handle the situation the best way you know how without interference. Don't let anyone into your home without a warrant. Even if you feel you have nothing to worry about or hide....someone could be setting you up. People can be real cruel and you may not see it coming.

Now ten months have dragged on and I can't even hear my kid's voices or see their face, or give them anything to show I love them. I am sensitive and very hurt. I have been this whole time. Every day between 8-9pm I pick up the phone and dial that mans phone number and it goes straight to voicemail my heart breaks to the point.I don't want to pick up the phone ever again. It becomes an evil game that tortures my heart.

Imagine calling your mother everyday and she never picks up. Doesn't make you feel very loved now does it? See that's what I had to face my whole life and even though I am a grown women now it still bothers me. It makes me feel worthless and abandoned. This feeling I never wanted my kids to ever feel and now they are being forced to by this man and the system.

This is why I must implement a law in the judicial civil family court system to make it mandatory once children are separated from a parent to have a daily phone contact plan adjudicated by the court regardless of crime. Children be given government phones or have daily access to a phone in case of emergency or when they feel the need to talk to their parents.

This sort of contact should never be deprived of a child due to the need for security and well-being of each child.

What is it teaching children when this law is not being upheld? It is teaching them that they are not valued, and their security doesn't matter. When one parent alienates a child from another parent it causes animosity amongst everyone involved and severs relationships that are significant to the welfare of each human being to feeling whole. For life would cease to exist if two people were not involved and by GOD it should take two people to put aside their differences to raising that child to become a man and woman who should understand the value of family.

Saturday, April 30, 2016


DREAM  lyrics by, B' onnie

This is my dream
and I'm going to go for it.
With or without you.
Your not holding me back.
I had enough of that crap.
I wish I could fly
And touch the clouds in the sky.


Be calm and be true
And you can make it through
All those hurdles and bumps
Turn to yourself
Don't look to nobody else
It's one of those things
We all have to go through
To find out what makes you


Saturday, April 23, 2016

What are our National Human Rights???

Every last cent I made has gone towards trying to get my kids back in my life. This has entailed legal fees, evidence, transportation, and subpeonas so I can get my kids free from torture and safely with me. As you may be well aware of the Karmic debt I have accrued already. I have been this way for almost a year now. All of you have been pretty insightful and aware of my situation so I believe it may come as no surprise to all of you to know that I am homeless, jobless, disabled, and without a dollar to my name. Otherwise, I think I would have made more progress by now. I'm not asking for any money.

All I am asking for is your heart and support in this movement to transcend all the way to Capitol Hill. That's where we all need to go in the near future if anything is ever to change. That is where we shall overcome someday for the government to finally be able to take us seriously. It is our National Human is called the right to public assembly. We have the right as people to meet our friends and to work together in peace to defend our rights.

Unfortunately, nobody can make us join a group if we don't want to. Just like no one can squeeze blood from a stone no matter how hard one may try. I'm only asking and praying that you choose to do GOD's work, the LORD almighty really does appreciate the help and support. Hopefully in the near future I will be successful in my endeavors and end up being very rich. I will make a hefty donation for this cause. My calling is to finally send a message to all the people around the World from GOD that we are all human and we deserve to be treated as such.

The greed and tyranny in the hearts of many of the tribunals are overstepping their boundaries and taking advantage of many vulnerable persons and their families and I know it is my mission right now to try and put an end to this tyranny especially  for women and their young. The Civil Judicial Circuit Courts family law divisions in particular have been tearing apart families for quite some time. It is a shame that the injustice in our justice system has been carrying on for quite this long.

I know that this may be a major feat. We are talking about a Parental Civil Rights MOVEMENT. If anyone can express how awful this is in a social media platform and preach to all the parent's and children of today to take a stand for their National Human Rights as a nation..I know I can and I will! This is something I can be proud to say when it is all
said and done. " Did I just do that? No WE did it."This is not something one person can accomplish alone. I'm not doing this for the money or attention. I am doing this for freedom, the pursuit of happiness, the children and families who suffer on a daily basis, the cause, message, and most importantly GOD.

Ms. Audette

Exodus- Movement of the people.

      As you all may be well aware of the fact I am in Karmic debt already. I have been this way for almost a year now. Every last cent I had has gone towards evidence, legal fees, lawyers, and paper copies of every injunction, divorce, and paternity order I have submitted in hopes of releasing my children from torture and in my loving arms.

You have been pretty insightful and aware of my situation, so I believe you must know that I am homeless, jobless, disabled, and without a dollar to my name. I am not asking for charitable donations. What I am asking, is for your love and support for the Parental Civil Rights Movement. It is our National Human Right to public assembly. We all have the right to meet our friends and to work together in peace to defend our rights.

We shall overcome someday, even if we have to get results by marching up to Capitol Hill ourselves. Nobody can make us join a group if we don't want to. Unfortunately, no one can squeeze blood from a stone either, no matter how hard one may try. But, JUST about any judge can take your children from you and place them with an abuser, sexual predator, or felon and there is absolutely  nothing you can do about it. Unless we GET the law on our side and ignite due justice in the injustice that is happening in our family courts today.

I'm asking on behalf of all the vulnerable children who are falling victim to this broken system and craving that love they need from their mommy's and daddy's. The LORD really does appreciate the help and support in doing his work for his children for we are all GOD's children. Someday, hopefully in the near future, I will be successful in my endevors and end up being very rich. I will make a hefty donation towards the Parental Civil Rights Movement and many other causes. My mission has been to finally send a message to all the people around the World from GOD that he is understanding that we are all human and we deserve to be treated as such.

The greed and tyranny in the hearts of many of the tribunals are overstepping their boundaries and taking advantage of many vulnerable persons and their families. I know it is my calling right now to try and put an end to this tyranny, especially  for women and their young. The Civil Judicial Circuit Court family law divisions in particular have been tearimg apart families for quite some time. It is a shame that the injustice in our justice system has been carrying on for quite this long. I know that this may be a major feat. We are talking about a Parental Civil Rights MOVEMENT. Obviously, something that will never be accomplished with just me alone.

If anyone can express how awful this is in a social media platform and preach to all the parent's and children of today to take a stand for their National Human Rights as a nation..I know I can and I will. Question is.....Who's coming with me? Who's going to take this more seriously? Who's going to not stop at nothing to make a difference?

This is.something I aim to be proud of accomplishing when it is all said and done. " Did I do that? No, WE did it!" I'm not doing this for money or attention. I am doing it for freedom, the pursuit of happiness, the children and families who suffer on a daily basis, the cause, message, and most importantly,  GOD.

Ms. Audette

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Easter Sunday.....Are you with your kids?

Forgive and render to all whose hearts you know, according to all their ways, for only you know the human heart. -
                         Chronicles 6:30

No mother or father should have to suffer the separation from their children when they are still alive. That's why I am starting this cause, because we know exactly how wrong the system has become and as parents our children should have a right to know who their real mother and father are. Now, wouldn't it be nice to have a police officer stand in and uphold the law for your right to engage in a conversation with your child and allow you to give them something from within your heart. I am sure that child would never forget it. No matter how much time has passed the law should uphold your right as a parent to check in and see their child and the other parent should be willing and if not, then they should be the one to lose privileges to their children as long as they don't have evidence proving that the other parent is a threat to that child. Even if suspected that is why the police officer is there to report what is being said and done in front of the children for the police officer is there to speak on behalf of the child.

The law should uphold your rights as parents. That is what we need to implement.....laws that will give parents rights to protect  their children. Why should families have to suffer and children not feeling loved?

We are all Americans who live in a country where many of us are being taken advantage of by this government. We have a right to stand United all the states and voice  how wrong these issues have become because people are sick and dying from it. Many people are suffering from parental alienation right now. They are becoming homeless, living on the streets succumbing to alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and even suicide and so are their children. We see others trying to get help living in Domestic Violence shelters, Baker Act facilities, jails, and hospital beds that are all run by government funds that are capitalizing on your pain and suffering because these people have lost hope and are trying to accept their fate without their kids.

Are you giving up? Have you just learned to accept it? Do you think your kid's will learn to accept it? NO! THEY WON'T! Not until they become adults...that's if they even make it to adulthood. One day they will want to confront you and ask; "Why weren't you in my life when I needed you the most" What's going to be your excuse?... Your child's next question will be; "Why didn't you fight for me, do you love me?"

We all have a choice to make a difference in our children's lives now more than ever, by standing up for what we believe in. The right to protect and love our kids.

Please join the Parental Civil Rights movement if you love your kids.
To instill hope in rebuilding the family infrastructure for the American people.
"Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds."
            Hebrews 10:24

Should we implement the law for families after, before, or during a seperation to have to cope with coexistence through living in seperate quarters but having the rights to being in public arenas for the children's sake on holidays, extra curriculum activities, and school events, unless of course a restraining order is put in place?

I need everyone else input on this.

Then Moses said to the people, " Remember this day in which you came out of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, for by a strong hand the LORD brought you out from this place. No leavened bread shall be eaten."
                         Exodus- 13:3
movement of the people

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Protest featuring "B" onnie song Victims

Victims (Revolution lyrics)by B onnie

It could be you 
It could be your children
Ripped away from you
Without a doubt
I have not committed a crime

They were all lie's 
Persecuted to look insane
But there is nothing wrong
With my brain
I just love my children 
I'm saying 

We are victims of the system

What are my rights
Of a mother who loves her children?
Take away my rights...
And child protective services...

I prove a point 
To show that my children been harmed
And that I've done no wrong
But they won't listen to me.

I plead the fifth
But they want to condemn me
Exile me
And keep me from my loves

They will not take away 
My joy and love
And heaven from above
Please GOD protect us

My constitutional right 
Is the first amendment 
Freedom of speech
And listen please to me

Do not hate nor discredit me
I'm a loving mother you see
And I will NEVER give up 
On my children.

Protest featuring B onnie song OPPOSITES

(REVOLUTION lyrics by B onnie)

Everything is opposite in this world
What you think to be real is actually ubsurd
If you had a feeling things were not gonna budge
You might think someone pulled you right from under the rug
You better not feel for they will say that your mentally ill.

Black is white
Love is hate
Hate is right and
Love is wrong
So now I'm gone

The greedy and the guilty make you feelabsurd.
Greed and betrayal is the chosen life
Everything you choose to bring to life will be proven unjust
The guilty and the innocent
The laughing and the smirking of the hateful ones
They orchestrate the system to their own needs to discredit me to DISCREDIT ME!

They gloat on your pain and suffering
They smile when they beat you to your knees.

Everything is opposite in this world discredited to failure

Everything is opposite in this world
We plead for the innocent ones but their not heard.

Everything is opposite in this world please plea for the innocent ones so they CAN be heard!

In this world, its opposite
Tradition and values
Have gone to shit

Single dad's, and loving mom's, grandparents, and foster aunts.
Big brother's and sisters sometimes have to watch out for their siblings when see their mama being abused.

You tell the truth
They will think your lying
You defend yourself
Or start out crying
They'll think that you are crazy
They'll see you unravel
They'll say your unfit
No! Don't press the gavel.

Everything is opposite
Black or white
There is no gray area to justify

Who will care about the justice for the girls and boys?
Little boys and girls who are lost in our system
Little girls and boys who are lost in our system

Who are lost in our system. ..