Sunday, May 22, 2016

Feeling Overwhelmed....

Dear LORD?

How am I to ever get through this father GOD?

Answer me, O Lord, for your steadfast love is good; according to your abundant mercy, turn to me. Hide not your face from your servant; for I am in distress; make haste to answer me; ransom me because of my enemies!

Psalm 69: 16-18

Who else feels they have been thrown under the bus with your kid's due to greedy, self absorbed, despiteful people that could care less about you or your kid's, so they use your kid's to get to you? If this has happened to you comment back AMEN and make an oath to not tolerate it any longer!!.....

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Where is the Justice in this world?

Text message to custodial parent and our abuser.

I see how it is..One phone call every other week maybe..Sure who talks to their mothers? They don't need to talk to their mother on the holidays, or birthdays, and Christmas.

This is NOT necessary and UNACCEPTABLE.
So at this rate I see my kid's Once a month, if I am lucky that the social worker doesn't forbid it again.

Do you know in the National Human Rights handbook I have here it states that the United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened). Yeah, well that Right of mine is currently being violated.

I have been calling, confirming and showing up to the appointments ahead of time? And the kid's have not been there. 3 times...
5 times if you count their Dr. Visits this has happened. Then I have had to wait another 30 days and this is out of my control. You know I would NEVER let the kid's down on purpose.

I hate myself for them thinking I am failing them. I am NOT!... I have done everything in my power. The DCF is fucking with me and it is just cruel.

Using my babies as pawns in this vicious vendetta to break me and millions of other mother's that are losing custody at an alarming rate down.

You have really cut me out and my parental rights haven't been terminated, but it sure does seem that way.

None of the adjudication is being honored.

I can't motion a hearing because they won't let me defend myself.

They Thirteenth Judicial Circuit District Court won't even let me divorce your nasty ass. So I am stuck being married to you.

Thanks for hurting me in the worst way imaginable. My babies? Really?? Your great for giving this social worker and your paramour the liberty for deciding what is best for our children when you know full right well that my kid's are in the best care when they are with me. I have always been a great mom. This is so unfair, wrong, and parental alienation.

Zero Tolerance my ass DCF!

DCF HAS DiscriminatED by taking advantage of me due to my disability. This is negligence by the department and courts.

Inequality by getting funding through the fathers federal funding grant,a biased set up to keep their shelters, programs, and poor children deprived of love by one side of their family.

Violation on our National Human Rights which states in Article 16:

1. Men and woman of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.

2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intendinf spouses.

3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and the State.

Article 12

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his/her privacy, familt, hime, or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his or her honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to be the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 17

1.Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.

2.NO ONE shall be arbitrarily deprived of his/her property.

American Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson states,

"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government."

I think he was onto something and I think we can all agree that's why this declaration was patented and signed,
was implemented, and became know as law to protect the people from dishonor, violence, and demolition of the pursuit of all hahappiness

So why are these laws not being abided in the justice department? Why are they getting away with it? It is time WE as the PEOPLE do something about it!

Our Constitutional amendment Article 4
Section: 4 states;

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

We all should be treated as equals. The law is already written. Where are the judges who should be enforcing them?

What ever happened to justice and evidence that should be able to be presented by the defendant. I never got that...



Monday, May 9, 2016

Phone contact privileges during dependency cases.


I believe this is every parents worst nightmare, and this is what I have been facing for the past 10 months. I can't answer any of these questions myself... nor can anyone person from the department, the extended family, not even my children know what is happening here. Nor do I have the luxury of trying to explain to my children. They are only hearing one side of the story and so is the court. This is insane.

I can understand if I abused my kids, neglected them, OR did awful things to them,but I haven't!
All I did was worry about them,try to protect my kid's, and love my babies wholeheartedly.
I don't even know why they took my kid's from me???? That's how sad this is. It seems as if my children have been literally kidnapped because the system has done nothing to resolve our problems or given me any relief in having contact with my children.

What is happening is......... Parental alienation.
No resolution, or reunification apparent in my dependency case. I am so worried and a nervous wreck never relents.

Please understand..See when you have witnessed abuse for many years and finally want to tell someone....anyone.....what has happened in the past, present, and what you know will be your children's future if you don't do something quick...your reluctant, because you know people will only judge you and persecute you. Even a child who doesn't know enough to manipulate or lie is defenseless against people who judge and have authority, power, and control.

So where does that leave us vulnerable people who are battered and put down in a state of fear and confusion? Sorry to tell you this, but unfortunately in my experience, this outcome puts you at a disadvantage.

Who are they going to believe?
A child who can't speak...... A child who was not taken seriously before......... and A battered mother who is finally speaking up for herself... OR
A whole entourage of people with money and lies?

I guess it don't take a rocket scientist to answer this question.

My advice personally to any mother's or father's who are going through a separation or divorce. ALWAYS have an escape plan, and if you can prevent it at all never get the authorities or DCF, CPS, CPI involved. They don't care about you and your kid's as much as they should. They are the wolves and your the shepherd so do your best to handle the situation the best way you know how without interference. Don't let anyone into your home without a warrant. Even if you feel you have nothing to worry about or hide....someone could be setting you up. People can be real cruel and you may not see it coming.

Now ten months have dragged on and I can't even hear my kid's voices or see their face, or give them anything to show I love them. I am sensitive and very hurt. I have been this whole time. Every day between 8-9pm I pick up the phone and dial that mans phone number and it goes straight to voicemail my heart breaks to the point.I don't want to pick up the phone ever again. It becomes an evil game that tortures my heart.

Imagine calling your mother everyday and she never picks up. Doesn't make you feel very loved now does it? See that's what I had to face my whole life and even though I am a grown women now it still bothers me. It makes me feel worthless and abandoned. This feeling I never wanted my kids to ever feel and now they are being forced to by this man and the system.

This is why I must implement a law in the judicial civil family court system to make it mandatory once children are separated from a parent to have a daily phone contact plan adjudicated by the court regardless of crime. Children be given government phones or have daily access to a phone in case of emergency or when they feel the need to talk to their parents.

This sort of contact should never be deprived of a child due to the need for security and well-being of each child.

What is it teaching children when this law is not being upheld? It is teaching them that they are not valued, and their security doesn't matter. When one parent alienates a child from another parent it causes animosity amongst everyone involved and severs relationships that are significant to the welfare of each human being to feeling whole. For life would cease to exist if two people were not involved and by GOD it should take two people to put aside their differences to raising that child to become a man and woman who should understand the value of family.