Parental Civil Rights Movement: Introduction to REVOLUTION: Dear fans both near and far, I am currently writing a novel about my story and I am offering you who want to read it get a sneak peak and colaborate with me in the comments and help me critique each chapter so I may edit it and make a final draft.
Also, on this blog I am working on a proposals to enforce new and already placed laws to protect children and their families from becoming victim's od this distorted civil law system. We should be protected by the law and able to get justice but at this time many of us are not. We have to implement more laws on reform, accountability, and safety net stipulations that are not currently in place or being considered.
It is time that we become activist's and take it to the next level so our voices get heard and laws start working FOR the people and not constantly against them. we should be encouraging reunification NOT separation. There has to be more protocols enforced before a child is seized from a family. What SHOULD be the guidelines on that? All these proposal should be written out in a way that address the issues we are currently facing with DCF, CPS, law enforcement, State Attorney's, FEDs, and judge's that barely know these kids and can't take the time to even review what most of these children are up against. So many people's civil rights are being violated and it is effecting the future generations to thrive and feel secure within their world. I believe children should have a right to speak for themselves. This should be recorded at their first encounter within the investigation and this should be accessibile in court with the caregiver or parents authorized permission. It would be beneficial to get a true statement from the child because young children don't know well enough to lie to law enforcement and if they do and can be proven in a court if law then I believe then it should be discredited ans ONLY then because everyone should be innocent until proven guilty not the other way around. People need to start getting booked with more solid evidence enough with all this heresay bullshit. Seriously! People are losing their kids at alarming rates due to false allegations, and true allegations are not properly being investigated and are gettung overlooked and brushed under the rug. What is wrong with the department and system is broken? Its avout time the people start standing up for themselves and do something to fix it or abolish certain organizations that are not doing their due diligence.
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