Monday, December 12, 2016

Enforce Laws to Protect Biological Parent Rights

How many of you would like to see a law that upholds every biological parent the rights to determine what is in the best interests of their children?

It takes two people to create a child, it should take two people to raise it. When did it become everybody else's right to instigate what is best for YOUR children?OK, needless to say I know there are children out there that are being abused, neglected, and some parents who are not cut out to be parent's. Who are you to judge and who gives people the right to do so?

The Judges obviously, and nobody should be telling them what to do, or overturning their ruling. Then why is the Department of Children and Families doing just that and getting away with it? This is an abomination!

There should be laws safegaurding the rights of parents and their children. We as the people should not be accepting of the process of injustices that are seperating us from our loving children during these critical times.

I would like to tell you all a true story that has occurred in my life over the past week, right before Christmas of 2016. I just found out that my eleven year old son had just undergone brain surgery a couple weeks ago. Mind you, my husband who currently has temporary custody did not inform me until after the fact or consult with me before this procedure was even performed.

The judge had ordered that I be informed of any medical treatment or educational decisions on my children's behalf. That I should be consulted. Obviously, my parental rights have been violated.

You ask me why I haven't done anything about it? I am completely powerless. I cannot afford a attorney to defend me and my children in the State of Florida and they will not allow me to file any motions without an attorney. The Department of Children and Families have banned me from calling the Florida Abuse Hotline because they have accused me of making too many false reports, when in fact I have made every report in good faith to protect my children, and this presents negligence on the department for not investigating child abuse and neglect properly and covering it up. I have proof folks, that they have discriminated against me and my children as well and are still currently. I have filed several grievances with no resolution.

Granted, it was an emergency situation but I still should have been informed. I was not! My husband does not know my son's medical history and did not inform the doctors that my son is fatally allergic to globulin E, and that brain cancer runs in my family. What if my son died? Who would be held accountable? My husband for dismissing the better judgment of the court and alienating me from my children? The Department of Children and families for not properly investigating my allegations of neglect on behalf of my children? The judge that granted him temporary custody? Luckily, my precious little boy is still alive but it has been two years and I have barely seen him and he is mad and won't talk to me. Parental alienation is currently breaking our hearts and spirits of reunification entirely.

What I propose is that we enforce a law to override being present when our children are undergoing medical surgical procedures with law enforcement regardless of any judgement when our children are faced with life or death. Both parents should be able to consult with doctors about their childrens treatment in the event of a health care proxy which should only be determined by the biological parents.

My Parental Rights have NOT been terminated. This should be OUR Parental Civil Right! The rights to children should NEVER be taken away from a mother or father!

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