Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Originals

What is the current theme?

Honestly, what I see is the family infrastructure and involvement of nature and true love.

Where did that originally form? Some people may say when we were created and formed by GOD. Other's might add when we were conceived scientifically out of lovemaking. Still many would argue when you were born and placed in my arms and nurtured and fed. Not everybody is so lucky to have these upbringing.

There was an influx of tyranny and misguided agendas of others that broke down this confined love and law of nature.

This has been evolving since the American Indians, the original inhabitants of this land were scattered by the narcissistic wigs of our surrounding countries. They have seperated our ancestors long enough to fill their pockets with their stupid little trinkets. I am part Cherokee Indian and half French Canadian and half mutt. Not like this is a personal vendetta or anything, but originally being a decedent of Boston I am well aware of what my people had to overcome to establish themselves on this land. Nothing came easy. Our family was torn apart by the government in many of ways, but we always found a way back to one another. That rift in our relationships could never be replaced. It was as if a piece of ourselves was forever missing and that is exactly what takes place. Failure to thrive. We hold ourselves back from being whole when a person or an element in our lives is missing.

This process has not stopped. Actually it has become a monster. It has grown to become a bystandered effect amongst our nations and at no point should have ever became exceptable. These are not just any people. They are vulnerable, innocent, scared, young, and loving children.


What we have here should be a PARENTAL CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT to put a STOP to the aiding and abetting of child abduction, child slavery, sex trafficking, human trafficking, forced adoption, Title lV-D Child Support Standards Act, and false reports and allegations that are not being properly investigated and the millions of children that are being held from their loving parent's and traumatized due to heresay and now are currently displaced due to negligence on the department.

This is a welfare system that is getting out of hand and is capitalizing on the failure of the family infrastructure and divorce. The parents rights are being violated but ultimately it is the children's rights for they have absolutely no say at all and it is their futures that are to be determined.

Why shouldn't the children have a say?

Their lives basically lay in the balance of a judge that knows very little about the circumstances and well being of the child. They go by only what the department is telling them provided that the department even does their due diligence and most likely have already formulated a biased opinion based off of heresay and very little evidence because they could really care less and have heavy case load's.

So would it not be beneficial to know what is in the best interests of the child by asking them?

I feel this method would be less invasive and traumatizing for a child then keeping them apart from a loving parent for months or years at a time based on a hunch from a CPI.

Kid's  are not to be trampled over, and should have a chance to be justified just like everybody else.

Kid's  are not to be displaced, and should have a right to choose where they want to live.

Kid's  are not to be kept as slaves and have a right to be loved and free.

Kid's  are not to be used as commodities and have a right to be whole and feel as if they belong to a unit because of their priceless value to the whole not what they are worth in measure to greedy people.

Children should not be subjected to these unlawful game's. For the simple fact that these games should be abolished. They are meaningless and their tactlessness should be scrutinized. I am even astonished that these arenas still exist for it is quite obvious to people by now that it is not serving the higher good of the people . If anything this system is just tearing families apart.

Honestly if I ever get my family back together I am going to move somewhere scarce for I am really frightened as to how many government officials do nothing to fix the issue's at hand in our own country alone yet they want us to go and fight other people's wars. NO! let's fix the ones happening in our own backyards first. Let's show our kids that our country is worth fighting for to begin with. Can we build a better tomorrow for our children? Let us be there for our children so we can show them the way. Drop all judgements......allow parents to show their kids the way to a brighter future. To all the future kings and queen's of tomorrow.

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always on your back
May the sun shine warm on your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
Until we meet again
May GOD hold you in the palm of his Hands

May God be with you and bless you,
May you see your children's children.
May you be poor misfortune,
Rich in blessings,
May you know nothing but happiness From this day forward.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind always be at your back,
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home,
And may the hand of a friend always be near.
May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the sky above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the tears that love you

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