Saturday, April 30, 2016


DREAM  lyrics by, B' onnie

This is my dream
and I'm going to go for it.
With or without you.
Your not holding me back.
I had enough of that crap.
I wish I could fly
And touch the clouds in the sky.


Be calm and be true
And you can make it through
All those hurdles and bumps
Turn to yourself
Don't look to nobody else
It's one of those things
We all have to go through
To find out what makes you


Saturday, April 23, 2016

What are our National Human Rights???

Every last cent I made has gone towards trying to get my kids back in my life. This has entailed legal fees, evidence, transportation, and subpeonas so I can get my kids free from torture and safely with me. As you may be well aware of the Karmic debt I have accrued already. I have been this way for almost a year now. All of you have been pretty insightful and aware of my situation so I believe it may come as no surprise to all of you to know that I am homeless, jobless, disabled, and without a dollar to my name. Otherwise, I think I would have made more progress by now. I'm not asking for any money.

All I am asking for is your heart and support in this movement to transcend all the way to Capitol Hill. That's where we all need to go in the near future if anything is ever to change. That is where we shall overcome someday for the government to finally be able to take us seriously. It is our National Human is called the right to public assembly. We have the right as people to meet our friends and to work together in peace to defend our rights.

Unfortunately, nobody can make us join a group if we don't want to. Just like no one can squeeze blood from a stone no matter how hard one may try. I'm only asking and praying that you choose to do GOD's work, the LORD almighty really does appreciate the help and support. Hopefully in the near future I will be successful in my endeavors and end up being very rich. I will make a hefty donation for this cause. My calling is to finally send a message to all the people around the World from GOD that we are all human and we deserve to be treated as such.

The greed and tyranny in the hearts of many of the tribunals are overstepping their boundaries and taking advantage of many vulnerable persons and their families and I know it is my mission right now to try and put an end to this tyranny especially  for women and their young. The Civil Judicial Circuit Courts family law divisions in particular have been tearing apart families for quite some time. It is a shame that the injustice in our justice system has been carrying on for quite this long.

I know that this may be a major feat. We are talking about a Parental Civil Rights MOVEMENT. If anyone can express how awful this is in a social media platform and preach to all the parent's and children of today to take a stand for their National Human Rights as a nation..I know I can and I will! This is something I can be proud to say when it is all
said and done. " Did I just do that? No WE did it."This is not something one person can accomplish alone. I'm not doing this for the money or attention. I am doing this for freedom, the pursuit of happiness, the children and families who suffer on a daily basis, the cause, message, and most importantly GOD.

Ms. Audette

Exodus- Movement of the people.

      As you all may be well aware of the fact I am in Karmic debt already. I have been this way for almost a year now. Every last cent I had has gone towards evidence, legal fees, lawyers, and paper copies of every injunction, divorce, and paternity order I have submitted in hopes of releasing my children from torture and in my loving arms.

You have been pretty insightful and aware of my situation, so I believe you must know that I am homeless, jobless, disabled, and without a dollar to my name. I am not asking for charitable donations. What I am asking, is for your love and support for the Parental Civil Rights Movement. It is our National Human Right to public assembly. We all have the right to meet our friends and to work together in peace to defend our rights.

We shall overcome someday, even if we have to get results by marching up to Capitol Hill ourselves. Nobody can make us join a group if we don't want to. Unfortunately, no one can squeeze blood from a stone either, no matter how hard one may try. But, JUST about any judge can take your children from you and place them with an abuser, sexual predator, or felon and there is absolutely  nothing you can do about it. Unless we GET the law on our side and ignite due justice in the injustice that is happening in our family courts today.

I'm asking on behalf of all the vulnerable children who are falling victim to this broken system and craving that love they need from their mommy's and daddy's. The LORD really does appreciate the help and support in doing his work for his children for we are all GOD's children. Someday, hopefully in the near future, I will be successful in my endevors and end up being very rich. I will make a hefty donation towards the Parental Civil Rights Movement and many other causes. My mission has been to finally send a message to all the people around the World from GOD that he is understanding that we are all human and we deserve to be treated as such.

The greed and tyranny in the hearts of many of the tribunals are overstepping their boundaries and taking advantage of many vulnerable persons and their families. I know it is my calling right now to try and put an end to this tyranny, especially  for women and their young. The Civil Judicial Circuit Court family law divisions in particular have been tearimg apart families for quite some time. It is a shame that the injustice in our justice system has been carrying on for quite this long. I know that this may be a major feat. We are talking about a Parental Civil Rights MOVEMENT. Obviously, something that will never be accomplished with just me alone.

If anyone can express how awful this is in a social media platform and preach to all the parent's and children of today to take a stand for their National Human Rights as a nation..I know I can and I will. Question is.....Who's coming with me? Who's going to take this more seriously? Who's going to not stop at nothing to make a difference?

This is.something I aim to be proud of accomplishing when it is all said and done. " Did I do that? No, WE did it!" I'm not doing this for money or attention. I am doing it for freedom, the pursuit of happiness, the children and families who suffer on a daily basis, the cause, message, and most importantly,  GOD.

Ms. Audette